
Mathieu Masse-Jolicoeur
Lecturer, Université du Québec à Montréal, École nationale d’administration publique and Research officer at the Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal du CIUSSS Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal.

Jennifer Levy
Policy Development Officer
Healthy Public Policy, Toronto Public Health


The punctuated equilibrium model aims to explain why public policies tend to be characterized by long periods of stability punctuated by short periods of radical change. This model can help public health actors understand why governments are sometimes receptive to evidence and discussion leading to significant policy change, whereas at other times, they seem to be less receptive to change and only open to making minor adjustments. This model can also help guide the actions and strategies that public health actors can use to influence public policy.

During this webinar, Mathieu Masse-Jolicoeur provided an overview of the punctuated equilibrium model, as well as some insights on how public health actors can use it to analyze situations and identify opportune moments and strategies for acting upon policies.

Jennifer Levy provided a regional public health perspective, and discussed the relevance of the model in relation to her public policy work at Toronto Public Health.

Learning objectives

At the end of the webinar, participants were able to:

  • Better understand public policy development processes;
  • Identify and appreciate the different elements of the punctuated equilibrium model;
  • Mobilize the model to support action around healthy public policies.

Webinar Recording

PPT Presentation
44 slides